Monday, November 14, 2005

Google saves the day.

I'm onto the always exciting "Parking Information" section of the airport survival guide. According to the Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA), there are 16,000 parking spaces available at Pearson.

That's a large parking lot. I must have had at least 16,000 Hot Wheels when I was younger, so I know. A 16,000-strong parking lot would at least take up the entire rec room of my parents' suburban home, assuming all the cars are the size of brazil nuts. And I think that's a safe assumption.

But, assuming not everyone is familiar with the size of the Pritchard family residence, here are some other statistics, courtesy of a quick Google search on the phrase "16,000 people."

  • "Pearson provides 16,000 parking spaces - enough parking for every person who converged on Fort Bening last week to protest the School of the Americas, a US-run training camp for Latin American Soldiers."
  • "Pearson provides 16,000 parking spaces - enough parking for every person who will be infected by AIDS today."
  • "Pearson provides 16,000 parking spaces - enough parking for the number of people some DJ named Adrian performed in front of without, tragically, peeing beforehand, according to his blog."
  • "Pearson provides 16,000 parking spaces - enough parking for every person who has a website through Scientology Online."

I'm leaning towards the AIDS statistic. Safe sex + informative statistics = a good time for all involved. Plus, everyone knows Scientologists don't use airports because they can levitate.


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