Saturday, January 28, 2006

Very, umm, interesting.

One of the neatest things about Flickr is that it uses an algorithm of some sort to determine which of your photos have the highest level of "interestingness." As of 11:30 this morning, the above photo of this railroad signal tower was deemed to be the most interesting of all my submissions.

I admit, of course, that whether "interesting" is a good or bad thing lies ultimately in the eye of the beholder. Gaudi architecture is interesting, yes, but so was that guy in my fourth-year Old English seminar who had chest hair up to his eyebrows and wrote internet pornography to pay his bills.

I also should add that I found something magical on the internet that I was going to post today, but as I hate having more than two text-based posts in a row it's been put on ice until Monday, most likely.


Blogger Trevor said...

Let's see. Who do I know from the English department who would name their fake blog "Meh?" I have a fairly good idea.

You should just be able to register an identity, shouldn't you?

11:28 a.m.  

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