Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I can't let this go.

From the Vancouver Province, in an interview with newly-minted Conservative David Emerson:

He said Liberal attacks on him since his defection are "a sign of sickness - a deep sickness," and that he is "very happy" to be sending out letters of resignation.

"For them to somehow suggest I am shortchanging them - it's breathtaking in its audacity."

Dear God, if I were Stephen Harper I would remove the man from cabinet solely on the basis that he is apparently living in a fucking fantasy world. To say your former riding association's call to have the campaign funds used to elect you as a Liberal returned is "breathtaking in its audacity," mere hours after you've crossed the floor to join the opposition, is an accusation that reaches soaring new heights in both lunacy and hypocrisy.

And apparently Mr. Emerson doesn't read the blogs either, or he would realize this is one massive pan-Canadian clusterfuck, not just some Machiavellian Liberal ploy.

But, Mr. Emerson obviously believes he cruised into public office based on his charismatic persona, not on the fact that he, y'know, might represent the party he's running for. Thus, winning a by-election should be no problem, right? Right. Viva la Emersonmania.


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