Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Today's photo...

... is actually from October 2005. But I'm posting it for two reasons. One, I haven't seen a decent sunset in something like three months. Two, that crane is still there, four months later. I bet the city of Toronto has fooled us into thinking they're building highrise apartments, when in fact they're building crane sculptures.

Oh, quick cabinet observation - what kind of potential PM goes on about "cleaning up government" and the "elected senate" for an entire election campaign, and within ten mintues of becoming PM appoints a Montrealer to the senate so he can be in Cabinet, and lures a Liberal minister into crossing the floor? One with the memory span of a gnat, apparently.

And on the topic of memory loss, as the inimitable Paul Wells writes, David Emerson must have just absent-mindedly forgot to tell his electors that, surprise, he was actually a Conservative all along. Nice slap in the face to Vancouver voters there, Dave.


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